Tobey Maguire rumored to join Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Sam Raimi trilogy Spider-Man actor Tobey Maguire rumored to join Benedict Cumberbatch MCU Dr Strange sequel Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness movie.

MCU Untitled Spider-Man 3 going to biggest multiverse action film after news Jamie Foxx returning as Electro, Alfred Molina as Octopus. And some still un-confirm Sony Spider-Man's multiverse, Sinister six. Most important and confirmed Dr Strange is cast as Spider-Man mentor in the movie.
Tom Holland's Spider-Man 3 currently shooting in Atlanta, But Sources Maguire and Andrew in talk stage for role.

According to FandomWire, Tobey Maguire will join in Dr Strange Multiverse of the Madness movie after It's connect with that wrong events that going to happen in WandaVision. And Dr Strange have to fix that. FandomWire already firstly report about Spider-Man live action movie.

The thing to be notice is Director of Tobey Maguire Spider-Man and Upcoming Dr Strange Multiverse of the Madness is Sam Raimi. Marvel and Sony how contract this.

What's you think about that? Dr Strange 2 already cast Rachel McAdams and Elizabeth Olsen. So multiverse madness happen chance is greater both in Spider-Man 3 and Dr Strange 2.

Tom Holland's Spider-Man 3 movie currently sets to hit theatres on 4 March 2022. Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness set to release in 24 March 2020.

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